Join the Movement for Universal Basic Income

A Path to a More Just and Prosperous Society. Read our reviews and sign up for more information.

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Xavier Clark

Xavier Clark

Andrew Spira

Join Andrew Spira in raising awareness for universal basic income around the world

Learn, discuss, and advocate for a brighter future for all.

Why Universal Basic Income?

Universal Basic Income (UBI) is an innovative approach to ensure everyone's financial security. By offering an unconditional cash payment to cover basic living expenses, UBI aims to eradicate poverty, create a universal safety net, and empower individuals with the freedom to pursue personal aspirations. The concept of UBI challenges traditional welfare systems, which often come with strict eligibility criteria and bureaucratic hurdles. Instead, UBI provides a streamlined and dignified way of supporting individuals, regardless of their employment status or socioeconomic background. This unconditional support can alleviate the stress and uncertainty associated with financial instability, allowing people to focus on their well-being, education, and personal growth.

<span>Why Universal Basic Income?</span>

How Would It Work?

A true UBI program would provide monthly cash payments to every adult citizen, regardless of income or employment status. While the exact amount can vary, most proposals call for around $1,000 per month, which would bring most households above the poverty line.Contrary to some misconceptions, the evidence shows that UBI does not lead to people working less. Studies of UBI trials find that the policy has minimal impact on labor force participation, with some people even more likely to work.Recipients use the money to cover basic needs, pay off debt, and invest in education or small businesses.

<span>How Would It Work?</span>

UBI Movement is Growing

The idea of UBI has a long history, but it is gaining new momentum in the 21st century as we grapple with rising inequality, job losses from automation, and economic disruption. Recent polls show that 48% of people now support UBI. Pilot programs and experiments with UBI-like policies have shown promising results, from the Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend to trials in Finland, Canada, Kenya, and Stockton, California. As more leaders recognize the potential of this bold idea, the movement for UBI as a tool for poverty alleviation and social justice continues to grow. This revolutionary policy underscores the importance of a guaranteed economic foundation, enabling a society where economic barriers do not hinder people's ability to dream and achieve. With UBI, individuals would have the security to take risks, explore new opportunities, and contribute meaningfully to their communities.

<span>UBI Movement is Growing</span>

"I plan to give the knowledge and confidence to advocate for universal basic income. Pilot programs and experiments with UBI-like policies have shown promising results, from the Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend to trials in Finland, Canada, Kenya, and Stockton, California. Sign up to hear more about UBI and help me petition global leaders, journalists and the community to support an initiative that will alleviate poverty all around the world"

Andrew Spira

Join the Movement.

Sign up to find out about UBI. I'll provide a wealth of information on universal basic income, and the tools and support to make a real impact in advocating for a brighter future for all. Share your story of how UBI would impact your life and volunteer and get involved with our local chapters - Andrew Spira

In The Press

Andrew Spira and his views on Universal Basic Income have been covered extensively in the news. Read about him in Business Insider, Outlook, Business Today, Digital Journal and Analytics Insight.

Andrew Spira
